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9th Kuopio Alzheimer Symposium and 3rd Nordic Memory Clinic Conference
23.08.2022 klo 09:00 - 25.08.2022 klo 17:00
450€From genetics to personalized medicine, biomarkers, prevention, and therapies in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
The 9th Alzheimer Symposium will be organized together with the 3rd Nordic Memory Clinic Conference.
The forthcoming Symposium and Nordic Memory Clinic Conference will continue the tradition of the previous symposia by focusing on the existing and emerging concepts in neurodegeneration and genetic and personalized medicine in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, prediction of Alzheimer’s disease, update on biomarker studies, new progresses in co-morbidities related to Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, clinical advances in prevention and therapy, and new insights from clinical and intervention studies will be covered.
The 9th Kuopio Alzheimer Symposium is organized by Institute of Clinical Medicine, Neurology, Institute of Biomedicine, and A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland.
Please see programme and general info in the symposium web pages. Call for abstracts is open until 31 May and registration until 1 August. Welcome!
Registration: https://blogs2.uef.fi/kuopioadsymposium/registration/
Registration fees:
Regular participants (3 days) 450 eur (VAT 0%)
Regular participants (2 days) 300 eur (VAT 0%)
Regular participants (1 day) 150 eur (VAT 0%)
UEF employee (1–3 days) 350 eur (VAT0%)
Virtual participation (1–3 days) 250 eur (VAT 0%)
PhD students/undergraduate students (1–3 days) 175 eur (VAT 0%)
PhD students/Faculty of Health Sciences, UEF free
Accompanying person (fee includes only social events) 100 eur (VAT 0%)
For further information: Please contact Symposium Secretariat at email address: AD2022SecretaryInfo@groups.uef.fi