Suomen Neuropsykologinen yhdistys surullisena tiedottaa amerikkalaisen neuropsykologin Dr. Muriel Lezakin poismenosta.
Dr. Lezak oli aiempi INS Presidentti ja ehkä parhaiten tunnettu kirjastaan ”Neuropsychological Assessment”, joka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1976 ja josta nykyisin on saatavilla viides uusittu versio. Hänen työnsä Oregonin Health & Science Yliopistossa keskittyi aivovammojen arviointiin ja kuntoutukseen.
Ohessa INS julkaisema, Dr. Lezakin läheisten ystävien laatima muistokirjoitus.
”We are saddened to report the death of Dr. Muriel Lezak on October 6, 2021. Dr. Lezak needs no introduction. She had an incredible influence on neuropsychology, and she loved to see patients and teach her students, but we all know her best for her seminal book, Neuropsychological Assessment, which had five editions from its initial version in 1976 to the last edition in 2012. These are the books that all of us read as students or as more seasoned clinicians and researchers and still have on our bookshelves. And, to recognize her contribution the next edition of the book will be called Lezak’s Neuropsychological Assessment. Muriel was a force of nature. It was a joy to hear her talk about her patients and what they taught her. She was not a shrinking violet, and she regaled her friends with stories about filling the family dining room table with papers as she was writing the first edition of her book while balancing the lives of her three children and the love of her life, Sid. Muriel was fearless. She had strong opinions and always loved sharing those opinions.
Muriel has had such a HUGE impact on neuropsychology as a discipline, and she will not be forgotten by all of her many admirers and friends in the field. We miss you already, Muriel.
– Diane Howieson and Kathy Haaland”
Kathy Haaland on entinen INS Presidentti, Diane Howieson yksi kanssakirjoittajista ”Neuropsychological Assessment” -teoksen uusimmassa versiossa.