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7th FESN Scientific School 2024

22.07.2024 - 25.07.2024

FESN:n (Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology) Scientific School 2024 järjestetään Portugalissa heinäkuussa 2024. Haku on auki 31.1. asti.

Lisätietoja FESN:n sivuilla.


FESN will organize its
7th Scientific school
to be held in Lisbon, Portugal
from 22nd to 25th July 2024,
local organization: Dr. Pedro Alves.

The school is addressed to graduate students in their final years of PhD, or early post-docs, as well as clinicians at a comparable level of career.

About 40 participants are invited from all partaking national societies. The program is taught by experts in their field and aimed at providing state-of-the-art knowledge and skills for students and postdocs working in all areas of neuropsychology.

Apart from an interesting program, the school offers lots of opportunity to socialize and develop a European network of young neuropsychological researchers.

Students may apply for the Scientific School by signing up here. The applications will be sent to the national societies who are members of the FESN. The national societies propose three graduate students to enroll in the scientific school. Places that are not taken up will subsequently be offered to the other member societies. Thus, in case you are not accepted in the first place, you may have a chance on the waiting list.  

The school encourages national societies to provide one or two bursaries for students who cannot claim costs at their own institution. The deadline for the application is January 31st 2024.

Preliminary program

To the application form

